Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


From Miss Blackstock’s Diaries:

Tues­day 9 Novem­ber 1952

… nor­mal­ly just slink out of my office, try­ing not to blub. But I was­nít going to let Mor­ri­son off that eas­i­ly. After I had giv­en him six of the very best with the cane ñ and I do mean the very best, every one was a real stinger that could have been heard a hun­dred yards away ñ I made him stand in the cor­ner, with his bot­tom exposed, so that I could admire my hand­i­work. I still use the cane less fre­quent­ly than the strap, as it should be kept as the ulti­mate deter­rent, but when you see a per­fect­ly striped bot­tom, with the ridges raised, it is a fear­some sight. Per­haps I should get some­one to take pho­tographs of such a bot­tom and post them around the school as a warn­ing to oth­ers. It would cer­tain­ly con­cen­trate boysí minds on the fate that awaits them if they incur my wrath.


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